One of the biggest misconceptions about maintaining the longevity of your fur is focusing on the exterior of the garment (the hair), when in reality, it is actually the interior (the skin) that is most important. Like our own hands, if we don't apply hand lotion, our skin begins to crack and separate. A healthy fur is one that is flexible, durable, and free of stiffness. Keeping your fur stored in a nylon or similar material garment bag that allows the garment to breathe (unlike plastic which suffocates) is most recommended
We recommend getting your fur Clean and Glazed once a year, a $59 service that we offer year-round. This process involves rubbing natural oils back into the skin itself, as well as cleaning the exterior of the garment with a special mix of lanolin and saw dust, which naturally removes perfumes, makeup, and other unwanted substances from your fur. Speak to one of our staff members today to get started 1-888-722-3877

Not enough room in your closet for your furs? Let us take them off your hands and keep them stored in our secured, temprature controlled vault. Many of our storage customers are from all from all over the USA that ship their furs to us directly for storage and cleaning.
1-Year Storage $70
Have a special occasion you want to wear your stored garment to? Give us a call and we will have it ready for you to pick up at your earliest convience
Have your fur Cleaned, Glazed, and Stored for a special price of $99.95 (all services included; one Clean and Glaze service, 1-year storage) Call and speak to one of our staff members to get started today 1-888-722-3877

Did you inherit a fur from a family member or friend and it doesn't match your style? Bring it in and one of our furriers will restructure it completely into a garment that you will love to wear. In some cases, there's enough scraps left to make hats, headbands, or glove trimming.
Not interested in wearing your fur? We can also restructure it into a blanket or a pillow case for your home. Speak to one of our furriers today to get started 1-888-722-3877